Latest News & Announcements

No tax exemptions for Kenyans till the rules change, according to KRA

All tax relief programs have been terminated by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) with immediate effect.

Board chairman Anthony Mwaura, who also served as the chairman of UDA's National Elections Board, said the action was motivated by growing concerns from Kenyans about how tax reliefs and exemptions were administered in a statement issued just days after a management purge forced out Commissioner-General Githii Mburu and other top executives.

University Health Services unveils its integrated Digital Health Platform (IDH)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The launch of the UHS integrated Digital Health platform supported by the Ministry of Health (MOH) marks a great milestone for the University in line with a long-term road map for digitizing its  functions  and processes. The launch event presided over by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama was preceded by an interactive demo outlining a step by step patient process journey.

UoN collaborates with a leading US university to offer joint degree programs.

The University of Nairobi (UoN) received a delegation from Washington State University on Monday, February 6, 2023. (WSU).
The crew is in Kenya for five days to see the joint projects that Prof. Kirk Schulz, the 11th President of WSU, is executing.
In the near future, the two universities will offer joint degree programs and collaborate to apply for further research funding.

UoN Pension Audit and Risk Management

On 27th Jan, 2023 at 8.30am, the Internal Audit Department held a meeting with the UON Pension. From the Internal Audit department, in attendance was Director Kenneth Gitau, Deputy Director Hannah Ndung'u and Ms. Mary Mukuwa

From UON Pension in attendance were Ms. Caren Augime who chaired the meeting, Ms. Hannah Mukua trustee, Mr. Allison Kariuki, Ms. Triza Alyela, Mr. Kariuki and UON pension representative

Tree planting at Ngong

A tree 4 Birthday was a tree planting exercise held at Ngong on 21st December, 2022 where internal Audit Department staff participated. The initiative was to help plant 5 billion trees to keep Kenya breathing and to show that human beings are together with nature. Present during the exercise is PS

The internal Audit Department staff that were present are Ms. Rachel Kairu, Ms. Esther Wambua, Mr. Felix Warutumo and Mr. Evans Nyandumo.


Internal Audit staff Participate in Tree Planting Ceremony

On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, the Internal Audit department, in collaboration with the University fraternity and its partners, gathered and planted 11,000 tree seedlings.
This aligns with the president's directive to all citizens and organizations to assist the government in meeting its goal of planting 5 billion trees as part of its climate mitigation agenda.

Internal Audit staff participating in the exercise were Mr Felix Warutumo and Mr Chrispine Kapiyo.